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So there you have it.R.P. The door's core is manufactured from glass reinforced plastic, which provides outstanding levels of thermal and noise insulation; much higher than that of doors made from inferior materials.P. Just a quick wipe down with a damp cloth once each decade and youâ''re done! Unlike wooden or many UPVC doors, composite door are designed to resist denting, warping and cracking and are so secure that they are the preferred secure door for many police-approved home security systems around China UPVC Octagonal Ball Valve Company the world. Think of how strong yet light the cockpit of a formula one racing car is - that's the stuff! A 'Compositeâ'' door looks and feels like a traditional timber door, with its rich grain and range of non-fade colours or natural woodgrains, yet it requires none of the painting or varnishing of its predecessor.R. And unlike a UPVC door, it wonâ''t fade in the sunlight or stain with excessive contact. Thermoplastic faces (the door â''skinâ'') is bonded to the core under high pressure creating a door covering that is very strong, stable and has a colour that will stand the ravages of time. In fact a composite door could be said to be â''maintenance freeâ''. Why every home should have a Composite door!. Ask any home owner what they prefer when selecting a new front door and they will â'' inevitably - ask for security, style and longevity. They don't even cost more than other types of door. GRP composite door faces (the door â''skinsâ'') are engineered from moulds developed from real hardwoods which reproduce the accurate grain pattern, giving the doors a quality wood look and feel. stands for Glass Reinforced Plastic, which to all intents and purposes is a like a 'fibre glass'. Recent breakthroughs in materials technology has brought a front door that offers all of these in spadesâ'¦ A composite door gets itâ''s name from the fact that it is made from a composition of different materials. More accurately called a G. The frame uses engineered t, warping or distortion. door, G. GRP Composite doors look great, are stronger than UPVC or Wooden doors, let in less noise, let out less heat, require less maintenance and will most likely last longer too.